Board of Directors
Victor Johnson
Julie Wagner
Barb Chiles
Todd Baldwin
Sarah Dixon
Mercer County Schools Excellence in Education Foundation
Mercer County Schools Excellence in Education Foundation is a non-profit group that was created to supplement funding to the school district in order to provide an excellent education for our students.
The mission of the Mercer County Schools Excellence in Education Foundation is to provide its students with quality education that will develop the skills necessary to think critically, communicate effectively, prepare them for lifelong learning, and advocate responsible citizenship through strong moral values, resulting in productivity and healthy contributors to our modern society.
The foundation is actively seeking new members!! If you are interested in learning more about this group and becoming an active participant, please contact Vic Johnson @ 309.582.3335. Monthly meetings are held the first Thursday of the month at the District Office in Joy.

Mercer County Schools Excellence in Education Foundation

Goals /projects supported by the school district’s mission
The school district works together with faculty, staff and curriculum coordinators to develop a plan to create a comprehensive learning platform. The goals and projects need to be supported with hardware, software, and resource material. Many times this material is not included in the general funding and needs to be supplemented. The MCSEEF may prov ide additional funding for projects.

School/Community collaboration
When families, schools, and community institutions (local businesses, and health agencies) collectively agree upon their goals and decide how to reach them, everyone benefits. Schools enjoy the informed support of families and community members. The families experience many opportunities to contribute to their children's education. The communities look forward to an educated, responsible workforce. By working together, schools, families, and communities can prepare for a more promising future.

Investing in 21st century technology
The school district provides technology throughout the district, in the classroom and in computer labs. Sometimes this is not enough for a particular project. When additional hardware or software is needed for data collection, material for a demonstration, or hands on activities, the foundation can financially help.

Professional Development
When demands are placed on the faculty to upgrade their curriculum, many times they need to be trained. The foundation may provide funding to faculty or staff to attend training or workshops.
Grants Awarded by the Foundation
Grants Awarded - September 2023
Kathy Olson, Apollo 2nd grade, mobile dry erase board for outside learning
Amanda Carson, Apollo & NBE K-5 Math, materials to implement math activities
Matt Simpson, MCJH 7th & 8th Science, hydroponics units and supplies
Aaron Heartt, MCHS Welding, forging kits
Kristen Adams, ELC & NBE Speech-Language Pathologist, books for literacy groups
Sam Duncan, NBE K-5 STEM, sphero mini bots
Jamie Breeden, NBE PE, balance stepping stones and bowling balls
Melissa Maloney, Apollo Title 1 Reading K-5, diagnostic assessment materials
Kristen Reick, Apollo K-5 Music, flexible seating
Barbara Bryant, Apollo 5th special education, flexible seating and lighting
Staci Sharp, Apollo K, math manipulatives
Deb Giles, NBE 3rd – 5th grades, books for Battle of the Books Program
Grants Awarded - September 2022
Kristen Reick, Apollo Elementary, Instruments to Complete World Drumming Unit
Amy Duncan, Apollo Elementary, Math Games
Michaela Matlick, New Boston Elementary, Flex Seating, STEM toys and kits
Shelly Reusch, MCJH, Apple iPad & Apple TV 4K, case and stylus pen
Taylor Gibbs, MCJH, individual student white boards
Bridget Wilkerson, Apollo Elementary, Toys to Initiate Play Based Learning
Dawn Noble, MCHS, Spanish novels, books and magazines
Trudi Shepard, New Boston Elementary, iPad & Apple TV
Cassandra Bieri, New Boston Elementary, iPad & Apple TV
Staci Tharp, MCJH, iPad & Apple TV
Amy Molburg, New Boston Elementary, Apple pencil, wireless keyboard, writing tablets
Michelle Aldinger, MCJH, iPad & Apple TV
Staci Sharp, Apollo Elementary, Math Manipulatives
A Hessman/A Duncan/C Hartman, Apollo Elementary, STEM Challenge Kits
Paula McGraw, Apollo Elementary, Portable CD players, headphones, reading activities
Ashley Stice, New Boston Elementary, Smart keyboard and Apple pencil
Total Cost of Grants Awarded: $6217.11
Grants Awarded - September 2021
Alison Lafever, Apollo Elementary, Ramped Up Read Aloud set of 101 picture books
Natalie Nelson, MCIS, materials & books to supplement ELA curriculum
Kathy Olson, Apollo Elementary, STEM bins
Ariane Call, New Boston Elementary, instruments, music & materials
Amanda Carson, K-8 Math Coach, Digi Blocks
Amy Molburg, New Boston Elementary, Apple ipad mini & Apple TV
Samantha Duncan, New Boston Elementary, Apple ipad mini & Apple TV
Staci Sharp, Apollo Elementary, activity sets
Kristen Reick, Apollo Elementary, set of drums to implement Full World Drumming Unit
Ashley Stice, New Boston Elementary, Apple ipad mini & Apple TV
Total Cost of Grants Awarded:$4250.10
Grants Awarded September 2019
Katie Dengler, Apollo Elementary, Maker Space Program
MCJH/MCHS Special Education Reading 180 Pilot Program
MCJH Math and Language Arts Enhancement Program
Total Cost of Grants Awarded: $5066.00
Grants Awarded - May 2019
Amy Mohlburg, New Boston Elementary, audiobooks
Natalie Nelson, MCIS, Google Nexus 7 Tablet & Flocabulary subscription
Kathy Olson, Apollo Elementary, Number Centers
Emily Baldwin, Apollo Counselor, Social/Emotional Health Curriculum
Amber Hessman, Apollo Elementary, Stand up desks/Flex furniture
Staci Sharp, Apollo Elementary, ball chairs
Taylor Beguelin, MCJH, novels for classroom
Paula Riddell, Apollo Elementary, Reading Kit
Paula McGraw, Apollo Elementary, Reading Kit & Math Kit
Total Cost Of Grants Awarded: $3144.05
Grants Awarded - November 2018
Brian Dennison & Lara Swanson, MCHS, team fitness belts
Dawn Noble, MCHS, Spanish books for classroom library
Nicole Whitehair, MCJH, classroom set of headphones
Staci Sharp, Apollo Elementary, classroom educational toys
Amber Hessman, Apollo Elementary, furniture items to enhance flex seating plan
Kristi Heaton, MCIS, Chromebook
Shelly Reusch, MCJH, sound unit for science classroom
Mick Louck, New Boston Elementary, foam boxes for plyometric box jumping
Samantha Duncan, New Boston Elementary, Chromebook
Marcus Bush, New Boston Elementary, recess ball rack
Total Cost Of Grants Awarded: $2,311.76
Grants Awarded - November 2017
Pam Carey, New Boston Elementary, Chromebook
Trudi Shepard, New Boston Elementary, Chromebook
Abby McAlister, New Boston Elementary, materials for reading corner
Dawn Noble, MCHS, Spanish books for classroom library
Samantha Duncan, New Boston Elementary, Lego WeDo Kit
Liz Gray, Apollo Elementary, non-fiction book sets
Chad Robertson, Apollo Elementary, Chromebook
Total Cost Of Grants Awarded: $1204.84