Mercer County Transportation Directory
Contact Transportation Office
Contacting the Mercer County Transportation Office:
Ernest Dillie, Supervisor
E-mail: dilliee@mercerschools.org
Office Phone: 309-584-4630
Cell Phone: 309-371-6354
Jodi O'Leary, Secretary
E-mail: olearyj@mercerschools.org
Office Phone: 309-584-4630
Contacting the Johannes Bus Service:
Kim Lloyd E-mail: kimjbs@frontier.com
Office Phone: 309-582-2922
Cell Phone: 309-738-9423

School Bus Driver Training Classes
(Initial and Refresher)
Mercer County Bus Pick Up
Pick-up Times for Mercer County Buses will remain approximately the same as last year. Please have your student ready 10 minutes prior to pick-up time the first several days.
Keithsburg 10th & Washington 6:52
Keithsburg 16th & Main 6:54
Keithsburg 10th & Short 6:55
Keithsburg City Hall 7:00
New Boston 4th & Liberty 7:18
New Boston Car Wash 7:19
New Boston Elem going to JH, HS, ELC 7:25
New Boston Elem going to ELC (2nd bus) 7:47
Joy Park 7:30
ELC (Joy) going to JH, NBE, HS 7:40
Johannes In Town Stops
This is our current schedule for Aledo town stops.
7:20am Hidden Valley/Buttonwood (J1)
7:25am NE 4th Ave / 3rd Ave - Sponsler (J5)
7:22am NE 6th St / 4th Ave - Sponsler (J5)
7:25am Lutheran Church NE 6th Ave / 2nd St (J5)
7:25am NE 2nd Ave / NE 3rd Street (J3)
7:30am NW 2nd Street / College Ave (old Northside School) (J3)
7:30am SE 5th Ave / 5th Street (J1)
7:30am MCHS (J1)
7:30am YMCA / Twisters (J7)
7:30am NW 6th Ave / NW 5th Street (J7)
*Times and bus routes are subject to change. Follow this page for updates.
Seaton Town Stops/J6 ROUTE:
7:01am 6th Street
7:03am Bank (Stop at lines on street by bank per city)
7:05am 30th & Oak Street