If voters approve, funds from this referendum will pay for significant improvements at the HS campus. See footprint to the right. Plans include a secure northwest visitor entrance, securely connecting the VOTECH center so students no longer walk outside to get to class, a larger cafeteria to seat all students during lunch, and upgrades resulting in the following projections for modernized classroom space. See additional renderings below.
14 General Classrooms
4 Vocational Classrooms
2 Biology Lab
1 Chemistry Lab
1 Physics Lab
1 Food Science Classroom/Lab
3 Special Education Classrooms
1 Life Skills Classroom/Lab

The Question as it will appear on the ballot
Shall the Board of Education of Mercer County Community Unit School District Number 404, Mercer, Henderson and Rock Island Counties, Illinois, alter, repair and equip the Mercer County High School building and its other facilities, including demolishing and replacing a classroom wing at the High School, and improve school sites, and issue bonds of said School District to the amount of $28 million for the purpose of paying the costs thereof?