Use the calculator to the left to determine how the bond issue connected to this referendum would impact the taxes you pay to the school. First & foremost, this bond issue will not raise your tax rate. That said, a portion of what you pay to the school would go to make the new bond payment. These funds would be separate from the Ed Fund, so rest assured, this will not impact the money that is available to support our programs and classrooms. Our students and staff would directly benefit from the passing of this referendum. Other than the inconvenience of new construction, there would be no negative side effect. The benefits would be long lasting. To determine your "share" of the new bond payment, simply enter your property's "Net Taxable Value" and let the calculator do the work. Your net taxable value can be found on your tax bill, as noted in the gold box on the example tax bill pasted below. Note this is not your resale value. It is your calculated EAV minus any claimed exemptions. Last, using current trend data, even with the passing of the referendum, Mercer County Schools anticipates a flat or slightly lower school tax rate in each of the next 8 years.



The Question as it will appear on the ballot
Shall the Board of Education of Mercer County Community Unit School District Number 404, Mercer, Henderson and Rock Island Counties, Illinois, alter, repair and equip the Mercer County High School building and its other facilities, including demolishing and replacing a classroom wing at the High School, and improve school sites, and issue bonds of said School District to the amount of $28 million for the purpose of paying the costs thereof?