21st Century Program
Welcome to the 21EAGLES page!
The MCHS 21EAGLES Program is in place to serve as a resource to our 9th – 12th grade students and families. 21EAGLES provides academic and enrichment opportunities throughout the school year and Summer months. This grant program is funded through the Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Grant. Our mission is to expand the opportunity for high school students to be able to participate in high quality, educational, recreational, and community filled enrichment programs outside of school hours. To support this mission several of the opportunities offered through 21EAGLES are led by teachers and staff at Mercer County High School or in the Mercer County School District #404.
Homework Help/Tutoring is a major component but other enrichment areas such as: Science Olympiad, STARBOOKS, True Crime Club, Podcast Club, TRPG Club, Body Conditioning and other opportunities will be available this school year. Activities & Clubs are ever changing and as students’ needs and interests’ progress we can adjust to fit those we serve. Many of the activities we offer can be both in-person or virtually as needed.
Family opportunities are also an important component of the 21EAGLES Program at MCHS. Parent/Guardian & Family opportunities will include, but not limited to, FAFSA (Financial Aid) Workshops, Family Paint Nights, Financial Literacy, and College Planning.
As the Site Coordinator, for the 21EAGLES Program, please feel free to contact me via email at wilsonc@mercerschools.org or by phone at MCHS: 309-582-2223 and ask for Chloe Wilson with any questions, comments, celebrations or ideas!